
Hello!  Your child is a very important part of our “Caring Community!”  There are a variety of ways to communicate with me. Please know I desire to help you and your child at anytime!  Please encourage them to communicate directly with me and/or to ask me questions at anytime.  (Teachers desire for their students to ask questions!)   Learning to self-advocate is a major milestone in independent learning.  Please also send in (and check folder) for notes as needed in your child’s daily Home to School Folder.  You can also contact me through the TES office at 440-543-9380.  Leave me a message, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.  (Keep email for quick and non personal communication.)  If needed, we can meet at a convenient time to discuss your child’s progress, and there are also annual conference times in the Fall and late Winter as well.

I will be heavily modeling and working with your child to become an independent learner, ready for the transition to the intermediate school, one who tries his/her best to be prepared, organized, and a strong listener; who focuses during instructional time, and communicates between school and school.  It’s never too early to model and develop these strong work habits that will carry over through life.

If you have questions, please let me know.  I am here to help you and your child!

Timmons School Office Number:  440-543-9380
